AVP Manjishtadi Kashayam Tablets (100 Nos) for Relief from Arthritis and Skin Conditions, Helps Reduce Pain and Stiffness, Assists in Relieving Skin Lesions and Inflammation
★ Joint Health Support: The herbal fusion in the Kashayam tablet helps maintain flexibility and mobility of joints by strengthening and nourishing the tissues
★ Beneficial in Skin Diseases: Ingredients like Manjishta, Neem and Turmeric help maintain skin health and address skin issues by purifying the blood
★ Aids Relief in inflammatory Conditions: The potent herbs in the composition are renowned for their support in relieving inflammatory changes associated with joint disorders and skin conditions
★ Easy to Carry and Consume: The tablets contain the same ingredients as the traditional decoction and for those who cannot tolerate the Kashaya format, these make a great alternative