AVP The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. Established in 1943 is a pioneer in the Ayurveda industry, and all of its 500+ products are based on Ayurvedic principles using a mix of traditional and modern techniques at its GMP certified facility||| The Indukanta Ghritam is an Ayurvedic medicine that is used to improve the metabolism and boost immunity. It is also prescribed to help heal individuals from chronic fevers. This ghee is made of Dasamoola and other medicinal herbs, and is used to treat weakness, chronic fever, vata roga, tuberculosis, and peptic ulcer. It is also prescribed to improve appetite, digestion, and cure abdominal diseases. It is a strong and beneficial medicine for treating cough in old age. Indukantha Gritham is a formulation that helps improve immunity, with special indications for respiratory disorders and recurrent fevers. Antioxidants play an important role in this process. It based on Cow ghee.||| Benefits of product: Helps Build Immunity Gives Relief To Gaseous Distension, Colic, Bloating, Flatulence Useful In The Treatment Of Chronic And Intermittent Fever Reduces Pain In Degenerative Diseases Imrpoves Taste, Stimulates Digestion, Metabolism And AppetiteRead More