Nutrihance Multiomega 100% Vegan Omega contains a blend of plant-based oils like Flaxseed Oil, Pomegranate Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Olive Oil that supply up to 78.48% Omega to your body.
Omega 3 from flaxseed Oil helps Heart Health, Supports renal Health & Nerve Health. It may lower inflammation, aid in the gut, support skin health & weight loss
Omega 5 from Pomegranate Seed Oil supports immunity and antioxidant effect
Omega 6 from Borage Oil helps in maintaining blood pressure and support in Nerve & Renal Health
Omega 7 from Sea Buckthorn Oil Support in glucose management and Hearth health. Pomegranate and olive oil support healthy aging, skin hydration, and collagen production.
Omega 9 from Olive Oil supports HDL & LDL cholesterol management, also aid in nerve health management.