Do your knees pain while climbing stairs or standing in the kitchen for long hours or getting up after sitting or while exercising? Don’t ignore & prolong your pain. These are early signs of Osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the bones wears down over time & the friction of bones leads to swelling & pain. This occurs as the collagen production in the body reduces over time.
Collagen is an important protein produced in your body, but its production starts reducing when you turn 20 & is reduced by about 20% when you turn 40. It is a glue that holds together bones, joints, muscles, ligaments & tendons & cushions your joints.
Collasmart is an Undenatured Type II Collagen sourced from USA. It is scientifically researched & clinically tested. It helps in repairing cartilage to enhance cushion between your joints & supports joint health by easing pain over time.
Collasmart helps in repairing cartilage to enhance cushion between your joints & supports joint health by easing pain over time. It provides strength & lubrication to joints & helps in improving joint mobility.