Karpooradi Thailam from AVP helps in reducing the congestion in chest. Applying it on the chest and rubing the oil gently helps in reducing the congestion. The oil is time tested with classical formulation made with safe herbs and pure ayurvedic products from the house of AVP. It delivers the soothing effect of ayurvedic herbs deep into the tissues, helping you breathe easier.
Karpooradi Thailam From AVP helps in rainy season and winters often which come along with runny nose and cold. Thailam will be a very useful medicine during the flu seasons.
The Formula of AVP Karpooradi Thailam is prepared such a way that it is safe for kids. It can be applied on the chest of the kids while sleeping for a uninterrupted sleep in th enight.
It gives a quich relief while cough and cold. It is is made with natural ingredients that are helpful in relieving cough and chest congestion.
Karpooradi Thailam from AVP is a time tested classical formulation made with safe herbs and authentic ayurvedic product from the house of AVP which has the ability to relieve congestion and ease breathing.
AVP The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. Established in 1943 is a pioneer in the Ayurveda industry, and all of its 500+ products are based on Ayurvedic principles using a mix of traditional and modern techniques at its GMP certified facility