AVP Rheumaheal 30g Fast Acting Pain Relief Balm Ideal for Acute and General Body & Joint and Knee Pain Ayurvedic pain balm Relieves Headaches Muscular Aches
\nRheumaheal is a new age Ayurveda product from Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Limited. This has the power of 4 traditional Ayurvedic Oils such as Dhanwantharam Thailam, Narayana Thailam, Sahacharadi Thailam and Prabhanjanam Thailam converted in an Easy-to-Use balm format. This Ayurvedic balm provides quick pain relief and is effective for headaches, muscular aches and acute pains. For pain relief and a soothing rest, this balm can be applied to the affected areas before sleep. 80 YEARS LEGACY: AVP since 1943 has been a pioneer in Ayurveda medicine manufacturing, treatment, education and research. All products are produced in our GMP and ISO certified manufacturing facilities under strict quality assurance mechanisms. EFFECTIVE FOR HEADACHES: A fast acting pain relief balm for headaches, general muscular aches and body pains. Also, it counters generalized body aches and discomfort arising out of common cold. IDEAL FOR ACUTE PAINS: It provides relief from pains related to soft-tissue injury and sudden occurring body pains. This balm provides a soothing effect, without a burning sensation to the skin. NEW AGE AYURVEDA PRODUCT: This balm has the power of 4 traditional Ayurvedic Oils, Dhanwantharam Thailam, Narayana Thailam, Sahacharadi Thailam and Prabhanjanam Thailam USAGE (EXTERNAL USE ONLY): Gently massage the balm on the affected area. Rest and wait for at least 15-20 minutes for desired result of pain relief.\nRead More